Lars Oltmanns

Appreciation isn`t anything that is only provided by the boss to the team, but it happens in all directions.

Lars Oltmanns | Upstalsboom

Isabella Heidinger, Head of HR

HR departments should refrain from ‘cooking’ up a concept behind closed doors and then presenting it to the employees.

Isabella Heidinger, Head of HR | weleda

Viktoria Schwab

In any case, you receive a counter question first. I am learning a lot here about myself.

Viktoria Schwab | dm drogerie markt

Wolfgang Nickles

There is a new way of interaction between human beings – especially between bosses and their team.

Wolfgang Nickles | Eckes-Granini Deutschland

Jeanette Dedow

In the old days, the strategy was developed by the headquarter. Now, all of us are asked to co-create.

Jeanette Dedow | Upstalsboom

Martin Grosser

In the middle of the crisis, the transparency and the close contact of the management team helped us to feel secure.

Martin Grosser | Phoenix Contact

Gunther Olesch, CEO

Since we put the employees in the middle of our strategy, our revenue increased by 60 percent.

Gunther Olesch, CEO | Phoenix Contact

Axel Tripkewitz, CEO

Our employees decide by themselves the amount of the bonus-payments.

Axel Tripkewitz, CEO | Fujitsu Semiconductor

Götz W. Werner, Founder

The most important customers are our employees.

Götz W. Werner, Founder | dm drogerie markt

We would never have been able to record our music in such a quality without this special working-environment.


| Die Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen

Uwe Urbschat

Our leaders are allowed to take a lot of time to reflect the own leadership-behaviour.

Uwe Urbschat | weleda

Inge Bramer

We wanted to say “thank you” to our management team … because it is very special, what is happening here.

Inge Bramer | Eckes-Granini Deutschland

Heribert Gathof, Geschäftsführer

We love lateral-thinking. Only the we can step our of our current patterns.

Heribert Gathof, Geschäftsführer | Eckes-Granini Deutschland

Manuela Franz

It is wonderful to see how the self-confidence visibly grows within our apprentices.

Manuela Franz | dm drogerie markt

Isabella Heidinger, Head of HR

Leading is a challenging task that you simply cannot do casually.

Isabella Heidinger, Head of HR | weleda

Martin Reingruber

Our boss is showering us with trust

Martin Reingruber | Hammerschmid Maschinenbau

Alena Klinz

We get quite a lot of confidence from our CEO.

Alena Klinz | weleda


Here we will portray companies that have already succeeded with the cultural change.

On one hand, such a cultural change is made by economic indicators and on the other by a special management and relationship culture which is visible and tangible. This is the culture in which employees can develop their own potentials particularly well.

We have looked at each of these companies closely. We have talked to several employees and managers and listened carefully to identify different points of view so that we could obtain the best possible objective insights.

The selection of the portrayed companies did not require any quid pro quo. All costs were carried by the culture change code initiative.